If you have ever had a visit at Wellness Naturally or taken a yoga class you may have heard someone use the term chakra. Many people have no idea what a chakra is and the impact they have on your health and well-being. This guide will give you a brief explanation of what chakras are, how they affect the physical body, and some tips on what you can do to keep your chakras unblocked.
Most of you are beginners so I’m going to keep it simple and stick with the seven chakra system. There are more advanced systems that involve a larger number of chakras but this is the basic system for newbies.
First things first, what the heck is a chakra? To understand what a chakra as you first need to understand that you have both a physical body and an energy body. Your energy body houses the physical body and extends beyond it. You know that feeling you get when you walk into a place and you instantly get bad vibes like it’s dangerous for you to be there? That’s your energy body sending signals to your physical body. And we all have that one friend who is always just miserable (yes, we all have a Debbie downer). You may feel funky and down when you are around this person. That’s because you can feel their energy and low vibration. Their heavy energy can interfere with your energy and they can actually lower your vibration.
A chakra is an energy center. They are located for the most part midline down the body and extend from the energy body into the physical body. Think of the chakra as a little fan that energy flows through. The chakras are portals on your body where old energy is released and new energy enters the body. They are imperative to maintaining balance in your energy field.
The first chakra is the root chakra, Muladhara, it is located at the base of the spine your tailbone. This is our foundation that helps us to remain grounded. It is linked to survival. This includes breathing, sleeping, eating, and physical security.
“I am.”
Color: Red
Stone: Black tourmaline, Obsidian, Ruby, Bloodstone, Garnet.
Associated organs: lower back, legs, skeletal system, lower intestines.
Mantra: “I can’t grow from an unsteady foundation.”
The second chakra is it the sacral chakra, or Svadhishthana, it is located in the pelvic region this is also sometimes referred to as a sex chakra or the navel chakra. This is the center of your creative and sexual energies. It is where we relate our emotions to the emotions of others.
“I feel.”
Color: Orange
Stone: Carnelian, Smoky Quartz, Polychrome Jasper.
Associated organs: lower abdomen, sex organs, tailbone.
Mantra: “I will honor the feelings of others but not before my own.”
The third chakra is the solar plexus, also referred to as Manipura, it sits in the area of the stomach slightly above the bellybutton. This is a big guy. The Solar plexus is associated with most of the abdominal organs so congestion in this area can indicate gastrointestinal disease. This is also where you get that “gut feeling” from. Self-confidence and personal power sit together in harmony here.
“I do.”
Color: Yellow
Stone: Tiger’s eye, Citrine, Bumblebee jasper, Mookaite.
Associated organs: Stomach, adrenals, abdominal cavity, liver, pancreas.
Mantra: “I am strong and I know my worth.”
The fourth chakra is located in the chest the center of the chest and it is referred to as the heart chakra, or Anahata. As you would probably assume this chakra is associated with love, compassion, and kindness. When your heart chakra is balanced you feel love and empathy for others. Fun fact- you actually have a back heart chakra too! This is where you hold all of you past emotional baggage. If this area is congested you need to go inward and focus on letting go of old emotional baggage that may be weighing you down.
“I love.”
Color: Green
Stone: Rose Quartz, Jade, Aventurine, Rhondocrosite
Associated organs: Heart, lungs, chest, circulatory system.
Mantra: “I am loved and I am loving.”
The fifth chakra, Vishuddha, is the throat chakra and as the name would have it is located in the middle of the neck near your throat. This chakra gives voice to your personal beliefs and values. When balanced, you can openly and loving speak your truth. Nothing inspires and enlightens those around you like an open throat chakra.
“I speak.”
Color: Blue
Stone: Kyanite, Sapphire, Lapis Lazuli
Associated organs: Throat, thyroid, teeth, and jaw.
Mantra: “I speak my truth.”
The sixth chakra is your Ajna, or third eye chakra it is located between the eyebrows in an extends to your brains pineal gland. This is one of your more intuition based chakras.
“I see.”
Color: Violet
Stone: Amethyst, Lepidolite, Tanzanite
Associated organs: Brain, pineal gland, nervous system, spine, head.
Mantra: “I am open to exploring what cannot be seen.”
The seventh, Sahasrara, is located at the very top of your head at the crown and is called…wait for it… the Crown Chakra! This is where you experience your connection with God and your higher self.
“I understand.”
Color: Purple/ White
Stone: Diamond, Clear Quartz, Moonstone.
Associated organs: Skin, skeletal, muscular, and immune systems.
Mantra: “I am a vessel of love and light.”
What happens when your chakras are blocked or unbalanced?
Chakras can get clogged and cause numerous problems in our everyday lives.
Imagine a beautiful, flowing stream in a mountainous forest. Undisturbed, the water will flow from the very top of the mountain to the very bottom. It will eventually lead to the sea. This is water’s natural course, right? But imagine now that a big boulder rolls into the stream and blocks the flow. The current stops and is now unable to reach the land below the boulder.
This is exactly what happens when the “boulders of life” block the flow between your energy centers.
Work stress. Financial stress. Low self-esteem. Illness. Grief. Fear. Anxiety. Heartbreak. Poor diet. Sexual oppression. Family stress. Resentment. Suppressed anger. Any of those boulders sound familiar to you?
How do you fix it?
- Techniques to help unblock a chakra:
- Guided meditations.
- Schedule an energy healing session with a Reiki healer or Pranic healer.
- Affirmations and mantras.
- Chakras stones.
- Lifestyle changes.
- Exercise.